Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Tuesday,july 10 day 2: YEAHHHHHH MANNN!!! =]
Ok,today...we learned about the civil rights leaders & their personal dilemmas.We had conversations on pivotal moments in history.We focused on incidents such as the murder of Emmett Till and The Little Rock 9.OoO yeSSSS!!! It was intense!lol.I really enjoyed hearing other people's personal experiences and seeing how others around me felt about the whole situation.It was very nice to learn things that I had not in school but was always curious about.I also thought that the activity I participated in today was fun....the one concerning a man who was afraid to help a woman off of a train because of his skin color.I probably would have had the same reaction being that so many people have misconceptions and numerous stereotypes about "minorities" and how we supposedly act.Its a shame that that is the way we are percieved.Although, so many of us are not bad ppl...that is what we are labeled as. My mother always told me that if someone passes judgement over you,do your very best to prove them wrong because most likely what they think of you is the total opposite of how u are.Do not stoop down to their levels and humor ignorance for its just an excuse to appear as if nothing is wrong.They only look at you with superior attitudes because they can smell fear and try to intimidate.She tells me to always keep my head high.I wonder if others were as lucky to recieve that same advice??

1 comment:

Mi55 SOPHiE x33 (Sophia) said...

i'm not lucky enough to get that kind of advice from my parents. but i'm lucky enough to have people around me to give me such advice. thanks, cheryl. nice blog
a`more sophie