Wednesday, July 11, 2007

heyy guys. this is sophieeee =]
my first blog on here. i'm reallie excited foh this summer. s0rry, you guys are gonna have to get used to how i type [[blame AiM]]. buh yeahh, yesterday's lectured reallie WOWed me. Steven was reallie knowlegable. it was crazyy how he knew how the dates and names. the whole time i wanted to get a visual of the scho0l committee and today i have the chance to. Louise DayHicks, grrrs. wells, movin` on. our advisors are reallie co0l, they have a lot of things that we'll be able to learn from them. &&as foh my fellow team-mates foh the next 3 or so weeks are just amazin`. each &&every one of you guys have your own style in clothin` &&such. some people are takin` a little longer than others to open up but it's okay. i think everything will be okayy.
oh yeahh.
i'm reallie excited to find out who i will be workin` with foh the next couple of weeks. who ever you are, hope we have a great time together.
a`more sophieee

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