Monday, July 16, 2007


Friday we went to MIT to get a more better idea of Media and learn some things about "free use" and things.

That day we went to MIT was probably the most interesting day I had yet.We learned about media more extensively at that time and did some pretty interesting things, too.

What I enjoyed most was the video games we tried out over there. They were developing some games (in only a 3 month time span) and we got to try one of them out. It was then I realized why my mother never wants me on my PS2....

But its what we learned later that made me enjoy this trip the most. The names of those who taught us escapes me, but I know what they taught me will stand in my mind for awhile.We learned the difference between a remix(I'm pretty sure that many of you are familiar with it already) and a mash-up.

Its important for you to know that even though they sound if they are hinting at the same thing they are completely different and its important not to confused them. A remix is a song that has been edited (something has been added, subtracted, mixed up etc.) to make a a much different song. A mash-up is a piece that Incorporated the lyrics of one song and the instrumental of another.We did a similar thing with poems- we did a "remix" of one poem by cutting lines from one poem and mixing them around; and when we were given the same poem, but this time with another, different one we created a mash-up of those two poems.

The conversations that followed helped us understand the dilemma facing the music industry. Who owns the mash-up or remix of the poems we did? Us or them? What if you made a mash-up or a remix of songs, do you own it? Can you sell it?

"Free use" answers this in some ways-which is what we will be thinking about as we make our videos.We also got to see a remix of a video and how using images in a certain way in poetry can affect the listener/reader strongly.

Overall I enjoyed it and can't wait to get to put to use what I learned.

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