Facing History and Ourselves, an international educational and professional development organization headquartered in Brookline, MA, began the Digital Legacies Project on July 9, 2007.
During July and August, 10 selected students from the Boston Public High Schools will participate in an in-depth study of local and national civil rights history, documenting their experiences by using video and web production skills that they learn throughout the program. The students interview key activists from the civil rights movement in Boston, including Mel King, Jean McGuire, James Breeden, and Sara-Ann Shaw.
The program is run in the media lab and classrooms at TechBoston Academy, a Boston Public Pilot school located in Dorchester, MA, as well as selected locations around the city of Boston.
This blog collects the reflections, summaries, and imagery experienced during the 4 weeks of the program. Both the students as well as the facilitators contribute entries to this team blog.
Each crew was assigned a civil rights activist to interview : Jean McGuire, Mel King, James Breeden, or Sara-Ann Shaw
Meet our instructors!
Julie- Project Specialist & Assistant Mgr of the Grants Program, FHAO Lisa -BPS educator and curriculum consultant, LKR design Paulina -Video Production Manager, FHAO Juan - Program Associate, FHAO